featured news

Eldyverso,London,at Pan Pacific London,We will have a standing laboratory for the metavestire of Eldy,With usual mode of Living Labs,those interested in participating can write to info@vegans.it: Londra 7-10 March
the 7-10 March, presso Pan Pacific Londra, avremo un laboratorio permanente per il metaverso di Eldy, con modalità consueta di living labs. those interested in participating can write to info@vegans.it
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Eldy and the metaverse,,it,We are working on a version of multi-user chat on metaverse,,it,usable through oculus and through the Augmented reality application,,it,demo event is planned in London,,it,at the,,it,Hotel Pan Pacific,,en,by invitation,,it,info@vegans.it ,,en
Stiamo lavorando ad una versione di chat multi utente su metaverso, fruibile tramite oculus e tramite applicazione Augmented reality. L’ evento di demo è previsto a Londra, the 1 February 2022, presso l’ Hotel Pan Pacific. per invito: info@vegans.it ,en
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Eldy for the Deaf
Eldy NGO developed Signs2English, an interactive on-line course designed to help international deaf sign language users learn to read and write English. The course is aimed to give the fundamentals of written English to the international sign language users – with little or no knowledge of English... Read more »

Eldy Tablet in English
Eldy tablet combones the typical simplicity of Eldy with the intuitivity of tablet to offer seniors an useful tool to send e-mails, chat on line, surf the Internet in an easy way. English version for Android is now available at this link
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International meeting hosted by Eldy ngo
Eldy Association hosted the international meeting of the project ” Sign2English” with Walsall Deaf Peoples Centre, University of Lancashire and Eldy ngo. The purpose of the project is to enable deaf people to participate to global life through the use of English. ... Read more »
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- Pictures, documents, Videoconference In this movie you see how Eldy deals with documents and digital pictures, and allow you to use the powerful Skype for videoconferencing, with a particular semplified interface. You can finally see your grand daughter pictures and videoconference with your son, for free!
⇒ Movie on browsing the web with Eldy
⇒ Movie on how to write instantly an email with Eldy
⇒ Movie on how to set your profile to have your identity
⇒ Movie on how to chat with your friends
⇒ Movie on how to deal with pictures, documents and videoconference
⇒ Movie on Quickbook, tutorials and settings areas