BLIND and DEAF Projects

"Hearing in the internet with Eldy" (“Sentiamoci in rete”) brings sight impaired to the internet

The aim of "Hearing in the internet with Eldy" project was to overcome virtual barriers that prevent some groups of people to use of innovative technology.

This project was the evolution of "Eldy - Keep in touch on the Net", a software, created for elderly and visually disabled to allow them to learn how to use technology in an easy and funny way, thanks to intuitive interface, big buttons and guided paths.

ELDY PLATFFORM FOR BLIND: The new software (completely free) was made especially for blind and sight impaired people, to allow them to be included in social life and to keep in touch with the Community.

The new version was made up with Eldy software and a vocal synthesizer able to read the words on the screen, and using some combinations of buttons, even this category of people can benefit from the use of internet, e-mail, chat, futher reducing digital divide.

VOLUNTEERS: Associazione Eldy, with the sponsorship of the Province of Vicenza, has organized free courses to train some Volunteers to assist blind people at the beginning of their computer experience. It represented a positive chance for many young people to help people to be more integrated in this world, where the use of technology has become a basic element, creating a Community where everyone, even with handicap, can interact.

AWARD: The project was indicated by the EU as Best Practice cases directed to the reduction of the digital divide and won the Italian "Handimatica Award" for digital inclusion.

OUTCOME: For Associazione Eldy this was an important step in order to make people understand the significance of integrating people with some handicaps, because they also have the right and the ability to play an important role in the society.

Signs2English International Project

Signs2English is an on going project; Eldy is training DEAF people using Eldy platform and e-learning Methodology.
The starting point is the usability and the six buttons of Eldy for tablet (Eldy App), linked to the Sign Language for Deaf (ASL).

Post date: 2012-03-26 09:37:06
Post date GMT: 2012-03-26 08:37:06

Post modified date: 2012-06-20 13:32:46
Post modified date GMT: 2012-06-20 12:32:46

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