In the perspective of Active Ageing EU policy and reduction of digital divide, Eldy ngo has carried out several training courses to seniors and TTT courses. E-SKILLS WEEK: Open Session the 27th -28th of March 2012 Eldy ngo organizes the Open Session Event the 27th and 28th of March, promoting technology to senior citizens in Vicenza, Italy. Professional ELDY teachers and students will help seniors to join and enjoy the internet revolution teaching Eldy and how to get to Eldy e-mail account, web browser, chat , pictures management, weather forecast and videoconference and the new Eldy tablet. Venue: Eldy ngo Piazzale Giusti Vicenza; time 10.00 am – 18.00 pm Eldy is a stakeholder of E-Skills Week campaign ELDY TTT (Train the training) courses Eldy, thanks to the European Social Fund, has promoted the course "Expert Eldy over 50". Target: enthusiastic over 50s Courses to seniors Other examples: Eldy - Mexico 1: in Queretàro, a Region of Mexico with young population but limited diffusion of pc and of computer literacy, we trained more than 160 people, senior and young, both digital illiterate. Eldy - Brussells: in Vrije Universiteit Brussel we had classes of Eldy and trained local seniors involving young students as volunteers. Courses to women seniors: In particular Eldy was involved in train the trainer for Senior Women. The Project was funded by Vicenza Province, and focuses on training of 120 women +55 aged. Eldy is a platform encouraging all nationalities, all social classes, all ages, and women, that according to surveys are less computer litterated than men.
Post date: 2012-03-26 09:36:50 Post date GMT: 2012-03-26 08:36:50 Post modified date: 2012-03-28 09:47:19 Post modified date GMT: 2012-03-28 08:47:19 |
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