Name of the Project:  "Eldy campervan on the square" (Eldy in Piazza)

Eldy is promoted widely - particularly to rural areas and small villages - with a team of volunteer going street by street with a campervan with 3 computers and training material.

Eldyvan and the enthusiasm of our volunteers assist at the weekly market and at public events to disseminate a concept of easy, funny and inclusive technology.

Number of stages: 100 in north of Italy
People trained: 4000
Time: 2009 - on going

Venue: Veneto Region;  2012 Tour is reaching some Municipalities of Lombardia Region. 

During the event, teachers and volunteers teach the ABC of computer: how to send an email, how to surf on the Internet, how to use the chat to meet new people and keep in touch with their family, how to video-call their loved-ones, how to manage documents and digital photos. Furthermore cds of Eldy and technical support have freely distributed.

The project was sponsored by Vicenza Province, Consiglio Regionale del Veneto, Centro Servizio di Volontariato di Vicenza, and other private sponsors interested in strengthening their social corporate responsibility.


  • more social inclusion in rural and mountain areas;

  • increasing of eSkilled people;

  • promotion of volunteer actions and cooperative spirit

  • increasing of "e-democracy"

  • enhancing of e-inclusion policy within public administration and Municipality

  • camper van on the main square enables to give immediate answers to the real needs of the people


Post date: 2012-03-26 09:35:39
Post date GMT: 2012-03-26 08:35:39

Post modified date: 2012-04-21 20:41:49
Post modified date GMT: 2012-04-21 19:41:49

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