![]() Project name: YOUng and SENiors together online with Eldy (YOUSEN) 10.000 student from Prep-School to High School Eldy ngo launched the intergenerational project in 2011 that involved over 20.000 people throughout Italy: students from both secondary and primary schools, teachers, seniors and Public Administrations. The students lived an experience of voluntary acting as "Eldy facilitators" to teach seniors the ABC of computer: how to send an e-mail, how to surf the Internet, how to use the chat to meet new people and keep in touch with their family, how to videocall their parents, how to manage documents and digital photos. The project was sponsored by Ministry of Welfare, by several Public Administration throughout Italy and other private sponsors interested in strengthen their social corporate responsibility. Public administration recognized the initiative as a possibility for promoting e-inclusion through ICT and, consequently, enhancing participation of senior Citizens to social life. The innovative approach of Eldy platform, the yearlong e-inclusion experience, the presence of a wide animated community of 400.000 users and the involvement of volunteers who always give support contributed to the great success of "Giovani e meno giovani in rete con Eldy" (Young and less young on the net with Eldy) project which registered positive results both in promoting adult digital literacy and solidarity between generations. The software Eldy, which represented the key element of the project, not only simplified teaching and learning, but also enhanced interaction and solidarity between young and elderly people, in line with the main principles of the European year of Active Ageing and solidarity between generations. Quotes: “This project was very useful to me. I couldn't use the computer before but thanks to Eldy and my tutor I am able now. For me it was a very constructive experience and I think it could be the same for many other people. I thank you for this opportunity” - Paolo, 65 years old “With the help of my grandchild I learned to browse the Internet like a real teenager. I still feel unsure about the use of computer, but I'm strongly willing to learn much more through Eldy !” - Carla, 71 years old- “.. it was a very interesting experience that stroke me because for the first time in my life I was from the teacher side” - Nicole, 18 years old- “This project had a very strong social importance: they permitted me to meet different people, to interact with them, sometimes to have fun too, teaching them how to use computer... ” - Laura, 17 years old- “The satisfaction is, while we normally learn things from the senior, that now we can teach something to them! ” -Alberto, 16 years old- Eldy has a particular version (Eldy-Tutor) for tracking all training activities and to provide the parental control for young kids. http://ec.europa.eu/social/ |
Post date: 2012-03-26 09:34:19 Post date GMT: 2012-03-26 08:34:19 Post modified date: 2012-05-07 16:28:30 Post modified date GMT: 2012-05-07 15:28:30 |
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