The Eldy usability test has been made by the University of Padua, Faculty of Psychology, Center for Cognitive Science by analyzing the eye tracking of a seniors panel in the use of Eldy. Analysing the gaze times, the mouse-logs and the cognitive walkthroughs (CW) it has been demonstrated the following statements : - Eldy is generally easier to use compared than the traditional Windows pc. - The difficulties encountered by the elderly are due to non-recognition of some commands or icons. “The evaluation made clear that the difficulties found by the elderly are not simply due to an inadequate comprehension of text and images but, more interestingly, to unfamiliarity with some specific procedures that are commonly used in interface interaction. Overall the evaluation showed that Eldy achieved its goal and the solutions proposed to face problems related with aging are valuable.” More infos 1. |
Post date: 2010-05-10 14:52:54 Post date GMT: 2010-05-10 13:52:54 Post modified date: 2012-03-21 17:48:52 Post modified date GMT: 2012-03-21 16:48:52 |
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